Is Emerson Karambit The Most Effective For Knife Fighting/Self Defense?

I am kind of surprised on how many people think they know which is the best knife to use in a knife fight or the best type of knives to carry for self defense. Honestly, how can one person tell another which is going to be the best tool for the job. Mostly it depends upon the user of the tool more so that the tool itself, and even more so on the risk predicted for each persons particular situation and/or habitat.

But yes, we all as humans like to have a “favorite” amongst the many. Everyone generally will have a personal choice on what suits them the best and five thousand reasons behind why you should be convinced on it being the perfect tool, but when it comes to life and death, you must decide for yourself what is truly best. Every person should stop and think of what would personally suit them best in their current habitat. For example…

I personally have chosen my tools to carry so I’m personally ready to encounter most situations in my habitat. I personally, first and up most rely upon my skills, knowledge, training and experiences before I rely upon the tools I carry.   In today’s society you can not necessarily carry just any self defense item or “tool” you would ideally like to carry, such as.. a concealed pistol, double-edge/automatic knives, tazer, brass-knuckles, etc..  You have to think of your common surroundings and how you are going to adapt to your habitat. I believe on blending in with your surroundings to the best of your ability and be ready at a moments notice. Most of the time I am not wearing to much tactical gear as far as vest, carbine, thigh rigs, etc.  I prefer to be ready for anything at all times and have virtually everything 100% completely concealed/cloaked 100% of the time.

I personally enjoy having many tools and many options for multiple situations, but I would rather not discuss on what I every-day carry for personal reasons.  I would like to explain that I have found a few common items for every day carry that provide multiple options and versatility for every-day carry civilian or service members. A very good sites that actually carries a variety of high quality knives is Browse and find what suits you best.

If you are looking for a every-day carry folding knife and looking for the best knife to use in a self defense type situation, I would suggest not to just take any ones word on what is the best.  Stop and think of what is going to suit your style and needs the most. Every knife is designed different for a reason. They have different purposes and proper uses for every style and type. I particularly stick fairly close to a Philippine style of knife defense, but what works for me might not be the best suited style for someone else.

Emerson Folding Karambit

The Emerson Karambit is on the top of my list of personal favorite pocket folding knifes for a few reasons. It’s not necessarily that is has the fastest draw for a folding knife ever (that’s awesome too!), but the simple fact that it is the only knife that actually is fully ambidextrous for left/right hand and also forward/backwards draw capabilities. I personally prefer to draw my knife into the fight instead of away from the fight first to draw, then deploy into action. Those precious fractions of seconds can make all the difference in the world. With particularly the Emerson Karambit, when you draw you are drawing into the action. Plus it provides a very low profile when carrying one of the nastiest hand-to-hand combat weapons know-to-man, because of is impressive gutting and cutting characteristics and martial capabilities.

Emerson Karambit Folding Trainer

Emerson also makes a training karambit as well. The Emerson Karambit Trainer gets a lot of criticism for being very expensive for “just” a training knife.  This is why I laugh at those who have such a closed/narrow martial mind.  I love my Emerson Karambit Trainer, not only because it gives me a “real feel” of my razor sharp karambit and working both feel exactly the same, but I always have a “Non-Lethal” compliance tool that gives me an advantage like having a weapon such as a kubaton, but since it is manufactured and sold on the market for training and non-lethal purposes, then when used for security reasons or self defense reason, you can not get charged in court for use of a lethal weapon.

Most situations in today’s society, people think that they are ready to encounter the real world, but fact and truth be told that 90% of the time when you need to react, you will have roughly about 2-3 seconds max to react before it is too late and your opponent has taken the advantage over you and you have no choice but to perish. Not a chosen memorable moment for anyone…

Here’s a victim of a knife blade and its true unforgiving wrath of damage…

Click images to enlarge

Remember when I said above that fractions of seconds can make all the difference in the world…well, think of this.  If you have contact with an opponent and it turns to close-quarter combat quicker that blinking an eye; you both draw at the same time and lunge to each other for the kill. If your blade hits with more force a fraction of a second before his blade hits you (YES your getting cut too); the worst of the damage will generally be done from the one who strikes first with most delivered force.

“Death knows no bounds…and your fate rest solely in your hands. Are you ready??”

Here’s a few informing perspective videos i found that give a good example of time and reaction in hand-to-hand combat very well…

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About davis9461

Carpenter/ Home Construction Consultant/ Business Owner/ Marketing-Coach/ Entrepreneur/ Photographer View all posts by davis9461

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